Laughter really is the best medicine. I truly believe that we all take ourselves just a bit too seriously, and by a bit, I mean way too much. We’re all just bumbling buffoons in costumes bouncing along, trying not to knock anything over or destroy something during this journey of life. Life ends too quickly, so why waste our precious moments chastising ourselves for saying or doing something completely idiotic at times? I know that I’m your classic introvert that morphs into a blabbering fool if I find myself in a group of more than say, two people. I’m also well acquainted with not-so-graceful face plants and running into objects that have been in the same location for years. What can I say or do to defend my word vomit and clumsy physical deficiencies? Nothing. I believe that one of two outcomes are possible for those people that I have graced with my display of social awkwardness: they can take me way too seriously and judge my ineptitudes with an air of superiority and disdain (which is a reaction that I can’t control, nor do I find these people to be of interest to me…I’ve found them to be quite boring human specimens), or they can graciously smile and maybe even genuinely chuckle and lend a hand or a story of a similar embarrassing incident which they get to call all their own. Voila! A kindred spirit has been found in my chaotically unfolding story of existence. So come on, people, lighten up! Live a little. Laugh a lot. Remember, we’re all just bumbling buffoons in costumes…