I woke up the other morning feeling inspired and ready to create something beautiful with my camera! I loaded a roll of Portra 400 into my camera, rated it at 200, and walked around the house to gather ideas. I knew I wanted something cozy and intimate to capture. Unfortunately, my bedraggled, yet wild, little girls were not feeling the same creative juices as I was. I fired off two frames before I realized I was wasting shots; it just wasn't going to happen with them that day. So then I got in touch with my friend...
She's always been down for being my guinea pig. We actually met through a "model call" for when I was casting for pet photography, and her kitties stole my heart. I have since worked with her for maternity, newborn, bridal, and cake smash portraits, and now we've added a nursing session to our extensive list of shoots! I asked the lab to push the roll a stop as well, and I absolutely LOVE these images! I'm so happy to know that my vision for indoor shoots can be translated onto film as well.